Here you will find an overview of the latest statements, press releases and research news from Society of Virology .

Statement by the Joint Diagnostics Commission of the DVV and GfV on the planned amendment to the German Medical Fee Schedule (GOÄneu) and its impact on virological diagnostics
In conversation with Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulf Dittmer - The Robert Koch Foundation podcast
Announcement of the Pettenkofer Prize 2024
Statement by the Joint Diagnostics Commission of the DVV and GfV on the planned Pharmacy Reform Act (ApoRG)
DZIF Prize for Translational Infection Research 2024
Professor Dr. Paul Bieniasz received the Chica and Heinz Schaller Foundation Award for Distinguished Achievements in Virology 2024

You can send us questions, feedback and requests by e-mail(geschaeftsstelle@g-f-v.org) or by using the contact form.