

The joint commission "Antiviral Therapy" of the DVV and GfV deals with the most diverse aspects of antiviral prophylaxis and therapy. The commission is involved in updating existing guidelines and initiating new guidelines and informs the scientific community about current developments in antiviral therapy.


Dr. Rolf Kaiser
Universität und Uniklinikum zu Köln
Institut für Virologie
Fürst Pückler Straße 56
50935 Köln
Tel. +49 (0) 221 – 478 85808


Dr. med. Djin-Ye Oh
Robert Koch-Institut
FG 17: Influenzaviren und weitere Viren des Respirationstraktes
Seestr. 10
13353 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 18754-2451


Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Denisa Bojkova, Frankfurt am Main
PD Dr. Veronica Di Cristanziano, Köln
Dr. Susanne Duwe, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Helmut Fickenscher, Kiel
Prof. Dr. Barbara Gärtner, Homburg/Saar
Dr. Katharina Göhring, Ulm
PD Dr. Irene Görzer, Wien
PD Dr. Björn Jensen, Düsseldorf
Dr. Rolf Kaiser, Köln (Vorsitzender)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Klimkait, Basel
Dr. Klaus Korn, Erlangen
PD Dr. Andi Krumbholz, Kiel
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mertens, Ulm
Dr. Martin Obermeier, Berlin
Dr. Djin-Ye Oh, Berlin (stellvertretende Vorsitzende)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pietschmann, Hannover
M.Sc. Christiane Prifert, Halle (Saale)
Prof. Dr. Michaela Schmidtke, Jena
Prof. Dr. Jörg Timm, Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Voigt, Essen
Prof. Dr. Oliver Witzke, Essen
Prof. Dr. John Ziebuhr, Gießen
Dr. Holger Zimmermann, Wuppertal

Further information

Safety-relevant research in virology

The "Commission for Safety-Related Research in Virology" (formerly "Virological Research with Dual-Use Potential") informs the virological scientific community about new developments and regulations. It is the point of contact for researchers, the public and other bodies of the scientific community and represents the GfV members in the implementation of ethical guidelines and possible regulation of virological research with dual-use potential. The Commission also aims to raise awareness among young scientists in the field of virology about freedom and responsibility in science.


PD Dr. Jens Bohne

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (Hannover Medical School)
Institute of Virology, OE5230
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover

Tel: +49 511 532 4307


Dr. Linda Brunotte
Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Entzündung
Von-Esmarch-Straße 56
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 52213


Prof. Dr. Stephan Ludwig, Münster
Prof. Dr. Klaus Osterrieder, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Martin Schwemmle, Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Thomas Vahlenkamp, Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wolff, Berlin

Dr. Sabine Dudek, Tübingen (zur Zeit inaktiv)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mettenleiter, Greifswald, Insel Riems (ehrenamtlich)

Further information

Stellungnahme zu GoF in der virologischen Forschung, Stand 04.09.2024.

Diese Stellungnahme fasst das bewährte regulative Rahmenwerk für GoF Forschung zusammen und dient als Aufruf für einen rationalen Diskurs über Risiken und Chancen von Gain-of-Function-Forschung in der Virologie, der sich an GfV-Mitglieder und Wissenschaftler*innen, aber auch Medienvertreter*innen und interessierte Personen richtet. Wenn Sie zu diesem Papier noch Kommentierungsbedarf sehen oder Rückfragen haben,  schreiben eine E-Mail an mit dem Betreff “GfV – Stellungnahme zu GoF in der virologischen Forschung”. Die eingehenden Rückmeldungen werden an die Kommission weitergeleitet und beantwortet.


DURC Commission of the GfV "Research with Dual-Use Potential in Virology"
The experiments of Fouchier and Kawaoka on altering the transmissibility of highly pathogenic influenza viruses have caused a great stir worldwide. In the field of virology, in particular, a multifaceted debate on safety aspects in research ("Dual Use Research of Concern - DURC") has flared up as a result. In infectious biology, the term DURC stands for research on certain human pathogens which potentially harbours the danger that the research results could also be misused for the development of bioweapons or for bioterrorist purposes. DURC is usually accompanied by an experimental design in which biological properties of a pathogen are changed ("gain-of-function"). For example, the ability to multiply, the transmissibility or the host spectrum of critical pathogens are changed experimentally. These changes could then lead to, among other things, increased pathogenicity or altered host tropism of a pathogen. However, DURC does not only affect infection research but also many other areas in research and development.

There is currently a discussion about which activities are necessary to better assess the benefits and risks of such research. Furthermore, the question arises whether and how current safety standards must be adapted to new requirements without research work being fundamentally inhibited by excessive safety measures. Politicians have already become active in this debate and new guidelines for regulating safety-relevant research are currently being discussed. In order to provide professional support for this exchange of ideas, the participation of the scientific community is particularly important. For this reason, the Society of Virology has formed a commission to accompany research with dual-use potential in virology.

The goals and work programme of this commission are:

To keep the virological scientific community informed about new developments and regulations as well as meetings and conferences in Germany, Europe and the USA on this topic.
To represent the interests of GfV members in the implementation of ethical guidelines and possible regulation of virological research with dual-use potential, e.g. by preparing statements.
To be the point of contact for researchers, the public and other bodies in the scientific community, such as the German Research Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.
To provide specialist expertise for the assessment of research projects with dual-use potential, e.g. within the framework of ad hoc working groups according to the concept of the DFG and Leopoldina Academy
To raise awareness among young scientists in the field of virology about freedoms and responsibilities in science.

The goals of the commission were defined by the commission members. The GfV board and advisory council have agreed to these goals.

Report "Faster than nature allows" (Rheinische Post)


Genetic engineering

The "Genetic Engineering" Commission is concerned with the risk assessment of microorganisms, safety classification of genetic engineering work, necessary safety measures in genetic engineering facilities and possible risks of a release or placing on the market of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) via the "Central Commission for Biological Safety" (ZKBS). Members of the commission represent the Virology Division in the ZKBS and hold the chair of the ZKBS.


Prof. Dr. med. Sigrun Smola
Institut für Virologie
Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes
Gebäude 47
D-66421 Homburg/Saar
Tel: +49 6841 16-23931
Fax: +49 6841 16-23980


Prof. Dr. Ingo Drexler, Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Anja Ehrhardt, Witten
Prof. Dr. Edgar Maiß, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pöhlmann, Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Smola (Vorsitzende)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Vahlenkamp, Leipzig

Further information

Higher education affairs, research funding, international relations

The Commission "University Affairs, Research Funding, International Relations" of the GfV represents the GfV in matters concerning university affairs, research funding issues and is responsible for the GfV's relations with international professional associations.


Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel
Institut für Virologie
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Hermann-Herder-Str. 11
79104 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0)761 203 6534
Fax: +49 (0)761 203 6626


Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Helmut Fickenscher, Kiel
Prof. Dr. Frank Kirchhoff, Ulm
Jun. Prof. Dr. Stephanie Pfänder, Bochum
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Protzer, Munich
Dr. Christian Sieben, Braunschweig
PD Dr. Andrea Thoma-Kress, Erlangen
Prof. Dr. Mirko Trilling, Essen
Members of the GfV Executive Board

further information


The joint commission "Immunisation" of the DVV and GfV deals with the most diverse aspects of vaccinations against viral infections. In this function, the commission prepares statements for various federal institutions and informs the scientific community about current developments in the field of immunisation.


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Tenbusch
Virologisches Institut – Klinische und Molekulare Virologie
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen

Schlossgarten 4
91054 Erlangen

Tel:+49 (0) 9131 – 85 26784


Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Überla
Virologisches Institut – Klinische und molekulare Virologie
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen

Schlossgarten 4
91054 Erlangen

Tel: +49 (0) 9131 – 85 23563


Prof. Dr. Hartmut Hengel, Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hildt, Langen
Prof. Dr. Heidemarie Holzmann, MD, Wien
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jilg, Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mertens, Ulm
Prof. Dr. Klaus Osterrieder, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Bodo Plachter, Mainz
Prof. Dr. Herbert Pfister, Köln
Dr. Hedwig Roggendorf, München
Prof. Dr. Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Gerd Sutter, München
Prof. Dr. Jörg Timm, Düsseldorf
Priv. Doz. Dr. Ole Wichmann, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Dr. Luka Cicin-Sain, Braunschweig (für die DGfI)



Teaching, further education and training

The joint commission "Teaching, Continuing Education and Training" of the DVV and GfV represents the interests of the subject virology in teaching, continuing education and training. For this purpose, it participates in the creation and adaptation of laws, licensing regulations and further training and learning objective catalogues, among other things. In addition, the commission is responsible for the certificate "Fachvirologe" of the GfV.


Prof. Dr. Helmut Fickenscher
Institut für Infektionsmedizin
Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel
Brunswiker Str. 4
24105 Kiel
Tel: 0431 500 15300
Fax: 0431 500 15304


Prof. Dr. Elke Bogner, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Hengel, Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Christian Jassoy, Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Paul Schnitzler, Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Smola, Homburg
Prof. Dr. Jörg Timm, Düsseldorf

Further information - Certificate "Fachvirologe"

Curriculum of Society of Virology for obtaining the certificate in medical virology and infection epidemiology ("Fachvirologe")

Natural scientists experienced in medical virology and infection prevention from the field of life sciences and veterinarians can acquire the Certificate for Medical Virology and Infection Prevention on the basis of a catalogue of subjects by providing evidence of the relevant qualifications and successfully completing an oral expert interview before an examination board of the GfV. This certificate documents the corresponding professional competence and thus the qualification for the technical management of a laboratory of medical virology and, as far as legally permissible, also the medical release of technically validated results of virus diagnostics.

Further information - "BSL- Workshops

BSL workshops for "Professionals" are held at regular intervals.

For activities with biological agents from protection level 3 (Biosafety Level 3, BSL-3), the Biosubstances Ordinance requires one competent person per institution. The required further training in expertise can be demonstrated by participation in the BSL-3 workshop series. Experience in the BSL-3 laboratory is required.


The joint commission "Guidelines" of the DVV and GfV contributes virological expertise to the preparation and revision of guidelines that touch on virological topics. To this end, the commission carries out a screening of submitted guidelines. Another task of the commission is the identification of guideline topics that fall within the topic area of the GfV and where the GfV should initiate the preparation of its own guidelines.


Prof. Dr. Jörg Timm
Institut für Virologie
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Moorenstr. 5
40225 Düsseldorf

Tel: +49 (0) 211 – 81 12225


Dr. Anne Cordes, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Anna-Maria Eis-Hübinger, Bonn
Prof. Dr. Helmut Fickenscher, Kiel
Dr. Daniela Huzly. Freiburg
Priv.-Doz. Andi Krumbholz, Kiel
Dr. Nadine Lübke, Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Susanne Modrow, Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmut Niller, Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Marcus Panning, Freiburg
Dr. Susanne Pfefferle, Hamburg
Dr. Jürgen Rissland, Homburg (Saar)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Ross, Essen
Prof. Dr. Paul Schnitzler, Heidelberg

Further information

Medical guidelines are systematically developed aids for physicians for decision-making in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. The Society of Virology supports the creation of medical guidelines by actively participating in the development process or by coordinating the creation of guidelines as the lead professional society. The Society of Virology is involved in the following guidelines:

Table Guidelines with GfV participation

News and Views

The commission "News & Views" represents the GfV externally on Twitter @GesVirology, among others. In addition to its own GfV members and the scientific community, the commission also wants to inform the interested public. Furthermore, the commission advises GfV members who would like to publish their own News & Views statements via the GfV webpage and Twitter @GesVirologie.


Dr. Marco Binder
Abteilung „Virus-assoziierte Karzinogenese“ (F170)
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg


Dr. Emanuel Wyler
Max Delbrück Center
Berliner Institut für Medizinische Systembiologie

Hannoversche Straße 28
10115 Berlin


Prof. Dr. Judith Aberle, Wien
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hanna-Mari Baldauf, München
Prof. Dr. Stephan Becker, Marburg
Prof. Dr. Melanie Brinkmann, Braunschweig
Dr. Linda Brunotte, Münster
Dr. Victor Corman, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Isabella Eckerle, Genf
Prof. Dr. Gisa Gerold, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Volker Lohmann, Heidelberg
Dr. Björn Meyer, Magdeburg
Dr. Christin Müller, Gießen
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pietschmann, Hannover
Dr. Cornelius Rohde, Marburg
Prof. Dr. Michael Schindler, Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Beate Sodeik, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Mirko Trilling, Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Weber, Gießen
Die Mitglieder des Vorstandes der GfV

Further information

National Reference Centres (NRC) and Consultant Laboratories (CL) / virological surveillance

The commission "National Reference Centres and Consultant Laboratories / Virological Surveillance" organises the regular exchange with all virological NRCs and KLs. There is also a regular exchange with the non-virological NRCs/KLs via the "Permanent Working Group of NRCs/KLs of the DGHM". In addition, the Commission, in cooperation with the GfV Board, represents the concerns of NRZs and KLs vis-à-vis the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Ministry of Health.


Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Wieland
Institut für Virologie
Universitätsklinikum Köln (AöR)
Nationales Referenzzentrum
für Papillom- und Polyomaviren
Fuerst-Pueckler-Strasse 56
50935 Köln

Tel: +49-(0)221 – 478 858 10/ 858 01
Fax: +49-(0)221 – 478 858 04


PD Dr. med. Albert Heim
Institut für Virologie
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Konsiliarlabor für Adenoviren
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
Tel.: +49 511-532-4311
Fax: +49 511 532 5732


Nationales Referenzzentrum für Hepatitis-B- und -D-Viren, Gießen
Nationales Referenzzentrum für Hepatitis-C-Viren, Düsseldorf
Nationales Referenzzentrum für Influenza, Berlin
Nationales Referenzzentrum für Masern, Mumps, Röteln, Berlin
Nationales Referenzzentrum für Papillom- und Polyomaviren, Köln
Nationales Referenzzentrum für Poliomyelitis und Enteroviren, Berlin
Nationales Referenzzentrum für Retroviren, München
Nationales Referenzzentrum für tropische Infektionserreger, Hamburg
Konsiliarlabor für Adenoviren, Hannover
Konsiliarlabor für Coronaviren, Berlin
Konsiliarlabor für Cytomegalievirus (CMV), Ulm und Tübingen
Konsiliarlabor für Filoviren, Marburg
Konsiliarlabor für Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis (FSME), München
Konsiliarlabor für Hantaviren, Berlin
Konsiliarlabor für Hepatitis-A-Virus (HAV) und Hepatitis-E-Virus (HEV), Regensburg
Konsiliarlabor für Herpes-simplex-Virus (HSV) und Varicella-Zoster-Virus (VZV), Freiburg
Konsiliarlabor für Noroviren, Berlin
Konsiliarlabor für Parvoviren, Stuttgart
Konsiliarlabor für Pockenviren, Berlin
Konsiliarlabor für Respiratorische Syncytialviren (RSV), Parainfluenzaviren, Metapneumoviren, Berlin
Konsiliarlabor für Rotaviren, Berlin
Konsiliarlabor für Tollwut, Essen

RKI – Nationale Referenzzentren und Konsiliarlabore

Experimental animal research and animal welfare

The "Commission for Animal Experimental Research and Animal Welfare" is the newest commission at Society of Virology and brings together expertise on the legal framework and procedures for animal experiments. If necessary, the commission draws up statements and answers questions on animal rights or animal experiments.


Dr. med. vet. Alexandra Kupke
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Institut für Virologie
Hans-Meerwein-Str. 2
35043 Marburg
Tel: 06421-28 65182


Prof. Dr. Luka Cicin-Sain
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung
Virale Immunologie
Inhoffenstraße 7
38124 Braunschweig
Tel: 0531 6181 4608


Prof. Dr. Martin Beer, Greifswald – Insel Riems
Jun. Prof. Dr. Niels Lemmermann, Bonn
Dr. Kore Schlottau, Greifswald – Insel Riems
Dr. Stephanie Stanelle-Bertram, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Asisa Volz, Hannover

Further information

Virus disinfection

The joint commission "Virus Disinfection" of the DVV and GfV informs the scientific community about new aspects and methods of virus disinfection, collaborates on statements and guidelines and represents virological expertise in a wide range of federal authorities and institutions.


Priv. Doz. Dr. Maren Eggers
Labor Prof. Gisela Enders MVZ GbR
Leitung Virologie
Rosenbergstr. 85
70193 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 711 6357-130
Fax: +49 711 6357-202


Dr. Sven Reiche
Stellv. Leiter ATB, Laborleiter und Leiter der Bio-Bank
Südufer 10
17493 Greifswald – Insel Riems
Tel: +49 38351 7-1204, -1540
Fax : +49 38351 7-1524


Priv. Doz. Dr. Johannes Blümel, Langen (PEI)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Glebe, Gießen
Dr. Martin Hufbauer, Köln
Prof. Dr. Janis Müller, Marburg
Dr. Inge Schwebke, Berlin
Dr. Jochen Steinmann, Bremen
Prof. Dr. Eike Steinmann, Bochum
Prof. Dr. Miranda Suchomel, Wien (ÖGHMP)
Prof. Dr. Holger Rabenau, Frankfurt
Dr. Ingrid Rapp, Ochsenhausen
Dr. Paula Zwicker, Greifswald

Ständige Gäste:
Prof. Dr. Uwe Truyen, Leipzig (DVG e.V.)
Prof. Dr. Nils-Olaf Hübner, Greifswald (DGKH e.V.)
Prof. Dr. Reimar Johne, Berlin (BfR)
Katharina Konrat, Berlin (RKI)
Frau Dr. Viola Weinheimer, Dortmund (BAuA)
Dr. Franziska Brandt, Bonn (BfArM)

Further information

Joint communication from VAH and the Virus Disinfection Commission of DVV and GfV: Hygiene and disinfection measures for infections with parvovirus B19 (15.05.2024)

Suitable Disinfectants with Proven Efficacy for Genetically Modified Viruses and Viral Vectors (30.10.2023)

This publication of the Virus Disinfection Commission of the German Society for Virology and the German Association for Virus Control together with VAH facilitates the selection of the appropriate disinfectant for genetically modified organisms or viral vectors. In addition, this publication on the new claim known as "virucidal activity PLUS", summarizing the available methods for evaluating the virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants against genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Joint communication from VAH and the Virus Disinfection Commission of DVV and GfV_ViruszidPlus (25.2.2023)

Hygiene and disinfection measures for monkeypox virus infections (07/25/2022).

Current requirements for virus-effective disinfectants for VAH certification (05.05.2022)

Joint communication of VAH and the Commission Virus Disinfection of DVV and GfV_Hepatitis (03.05.2022)


Virus diagnostics

The joint commission "Virus Diagnostics" of the DVV and GfV informs the scientific community about new aspects in virus diagnostics and represents virological expertise at various federal authorities, the Federal Medical Association as well as various Committees and develops statements on the current state of virus diagnostics. In the field of quality assurance, the commission works in close coordination with INSTAND e.V. and scientifically accompanies the interlaboratory tests in virus diagnostics.


PD Dr. Nadine Lübke
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Institut für Virologie
Universitätsstraße 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Tel: +49 211 81 10556


Prof. Dr. Marcus Panning
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Institut für Virologie
Hermann-Herder-Str. 11
79104 Freiburg
Tel: +49 761 203 6610


Albert Heim, Hannover
Andi Krumbholz, Kiel
Andreas Mas Marques, Berlin
Annette Mankertz, Berlin
Armin Baillot, Hannover
Axel Schubert, Ulm
Benedikt Weißbrich, Würzburg
Christian Schüttler, Gießen
Claus-Thomas Bock, Berlin
Daniela Huzly, Freiburg
Dieter Glebe, Gießen
Heinrich Scheiblauer, Langen
Heinz Zeichhardt, Berlin
Helmut Fickenscher, Kiel
Holger Rabenau, Frankfurt
Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, Hamburg
Jörg Hofmann, Berlin
Jörg Timm, Düsseldorf
Jürgen Wenzel, Regensburg
Karoline Leuzinger, Basel, CH
Klaus Korn, Erlangen
Lukas Weseslindtner, Wien, A
Marcus Panning, Freiburg
Martin Enders, Stuttgart
Martin Kammel, Berlin
Martin Obermeier, Berlin
Melanie Maier, Leipzig
Nadine Lübke, Düsseldorf
Rolf Kaiser, Köln
Sabine Diedrich, Berlin
Sandra Ciesek, Frankfurt
Sandra Niendorf, Berlin
Sigrun Smola, Homburg/Saar
Sindy Böttcher, Berlin
Ulrike Wieland, Köln

Further information

IVDR relevant documents

Procedural instruction / regulations and responsibilities for validation / verification in the diagnostic laboratory

Annex 1 - appropriate forms in Word format

Annex 2 - appropriate forms in PDF format

Further sample declarations, among others on conformity, handouts on "Implementation of the general requirements for performance evaluation" and on risk management, as well as a checklist on the analogy between IVDR, Annex I and ISO 15189 have been prepared by other AWMF working groups and can be found at:

Accreditation relevant documents

Model procedure instruction validation

Viral infection during pregnancy

The joint commission "Viral Infection in Pregnancy" of the DVV and GfV contributes virological expertise to the preparation and revision of guidelines that touch on viral infections in pregnancy. It prepares statements on legislative procedures and represents virological expertise in the Committee on Maternity Protection, in particular in sub-committee II (material hazards) and the working group "Biological substances" located there.


PD Dr. Corinna Pietsch
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
Inst. f. Med. Mikrobiologie und Virologie
Fachbereich Virologie
Johannisallee 30, Haus J
04103 Leipzig
Tel: 0341 – 97 14300


Dr. med. Daniela Huzly
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Institut für Virologie
Hermann-Herder-Strasse 11
D-79104 Freiburg
Tel: 0761 203 6609
Fax: 0761 203 6603


Prof. Dr. Martin Enders, Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Annette Mankertz, Berlin
PD Dr. Corinna Pietsch, Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Markus Knuf, Worms
Prof. Dr. Karl-Oliver Kagan, Tübingen

Virus safety in transfusion and transplantation

The joint commission "Virus Safety in Transfusion and Transplantation" of the DVV and GfV deals with general and specific problems of virus safety in transfusion and TX and prepares recommendations on current aspects of virus safety. This is done in close contact with the relevant professional societies, expert committees, the RKI and the PEI.


Prof. Dr. Dieter Glebe
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Institut für Medizinische Virologie
Schubertstr. 81
35392 Gießen
Tel: +49 641 99 41246
Fax: +49 641 99 41209


PD Dr. Johannes Blümel, PEI, Langen (Stellvertretung)
Prof. (a.D.) Dr. Joachim Denner, FU Berlin
Prof. Dr. Dieter Glebe, JLU, Gießen (Vorsitz)
PD Dr. Sven Pischke, UKE, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Eike Steinmann, RUB, Bochum


Zoonoses and viral infections of animals

The Commission "Zoonoses and Virus Infections of Animals" is composed of representatives of the responsible federal authorities PEI, RKI and FLI, the National Research Platform for Zoonoses and representatives of the field of virology at the five veterinary medical educational institutions in Germany. It coordinates the GfV's cooperation with the federal authorities and the National Research Platform for Zoonoses and informs the scientific community about current topics in this field.


Prof. Dr. Asisa Volz
Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Institut für Virologie
Bünteweg 2
30559 Hannover
Tel: +49 511 953-8857


PD Dr. Claudia Bachofen, Mittelhäusern, CH
Prof. Dr. Paul Becher, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Gisa Gerold, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Martin Groschup, Greifswald-Riems
PD Dr. Allison Groseth, Greifswald-Riems
PD Donata Hoffmann, Greifswald-Riems
Dr. Susann Kummer, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Stephan Ludwig, Münster
PD Dr. Michael Mühlebach, Langen
Prof. Dr. Klaus Osterrieder, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Martin Schwemmle, Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Asisa Volz, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Weber, Gießen


Questions, feedback, suggestions and requests for the development of Committees and its tools can be sent by mail to the e-mail address