Here you will find an overview of the latest statements, press releases and research news from Society of Virology .

Joint declaration: Democracy and pluralism as the foundation for a humane healthcare system
Travel Grants for Graduate Students
Statement of the Joint Diagnostics Commission of the DVV and GfV on the determination of anti-measles IgG from dried blood drops on filter paper cards
Statement of the GfV on the central and exclusive procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech by the German government from 2024 to 2026
AWMF S2k guideline "Guideline for the prophylaxis of severe illnesses caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in children at risk"
Joint statement by the GfV and DGHM on the draft bill to amend the law on fixed-term contracts in science (WissZeitVG)

You can send us questions, feedback and requests by e-mail(geschaeftsstelle@g-f-v.org) or by using the contact form.