Here you will find an overview of the latest statements, press releases and research news from Society of Virology .

Hygiene and disinfection measures
for infections with the monkeypox virus (as at 25.07.2022)
Hygiene and disinfection measures for infections with monkeypox viruses (as of 27.05.2022)
Joint communication from VAH and the Virus Disinfection Commission of DVV and GfV PDF-Download...
Joint statement on the outbreak of monkeypox in Germany by the medical-scientific societies DAIG, DGI, DGPI and GfV, the professional association dagnä and the DZIF in coordination with STIKO (27.05.2022)
Summary Rapidly rising numbers of monkeypox virus infections have been reported in...
Joint communication from VAH and the Virus Disinfection Commission of DVV and GfV (03.05.2022)
Call for applications for the Pettenkofer Prize 2022
Winner of the Chica and Heinz Schaller Foundation Prize, together with the Society of Virology

You can send us questions, feedback and requests by e-mail(geschaeftsstelle@g-f-v.org) or by using the contact form.