Mai 18, 2025 - Mai 23, 2025
Rey Don Jaime Grand Hotel
The Biology of Viral Infection: Replication, Host Interactions and Pathogenesis
Conference Description
The Viruses and Cells GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. The conference program includes a diverse range of speakers and discussion leaders from institutions and organizations worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. The conference is five days long and held in a remote location to increase the sense of camaraderie and create scientific communities, with lasting collaborations and friendships. In addition to premier talks, the conference has designated time for poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and afternoon free time and communal meals allow for informal networking opportunities with leaders in the field.
The 2025 Viruses and Cells GRC, a premier conference in the field of virology, will cover seminal topics in virology with a focus on current areas of innovation and impact including the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This conference covers a diversity of viral and host systems: from DNA to RNA to retroviruses, and viruses impacting animal, plant, or microbial hosts. The conference is an interactive forum that brings together investigators at the forefront of the field, junior investigators launching independent research careers, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. The conference strives to represent a collegial environment that supports the discussion of novel ideas and fosters new collaborations.Invited speakers will present novel, unpublished and cutting-edge findings in the field of virology. Topics will include viral transmission and entry, replication mechanisms, regulation of gene expression, cell biology of viral infection, pathogenesis, host response and immunity, viral evasion strategies, virus-host interactions, viral evolution and therapeutics. Session chairs with expertise in each session topic will lead interactive, lively, and open discussions following each presentation. In addition to each of the invited speakers, short talks will be chosen from the abstracts that are submitted to the meeting at the time of registration. Abstracts that highlight the most exciting and new developments in the field of virology will be selected for short talks, and other abstracts will be selected as posters. The evening poster sessions are a prominent and important aspect of this conference providing yet another opportunity for participants to interact and discuss their research findings in an informal, friendly atmosphere.
*Please note that talk selections from submitted abstracts will be made by January 20, 2025.*
Application Information
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by April 20, 2025. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the conference chair if more seats become available due to cancellations.
Please visit the conference homepage for further information.
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