9th European Seminar in Virology

Oktober 21, 2022 - Oktober 23, 2022


Residential Center

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 9th European Seminar in Virology (EuSeV) entitled “Next Gen Virology – New Frontiers and Methodologies in Research and Diagnostics”. The meeting will take place as a Live Meeting at the University of Bologna Residential Center in Bertinoro, Italy, October 21-23, 2022.
Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of high-throughput technologies (e.g. transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, single-cell multi-omics, CyTOF) that have revolutionized virological research. The focus of this EuSeV will be to promote the emergence of concepts and ideas how these novel technologies could be used to facilitate diagnostic approaches and to foster our understanding of virus-host interactions. The exciting program, with eminent state-of-the art speakers, will cover a broad range of viruses including SARS-CoV-2, various herpesviruses, polyomaviruses, influenzaviruses and dengue virus. Moreover, there will be a focus on systems approaches to understand immune defense mechanisms against viral infections.

Abstract (oral and poster presentations) deadline: September 12, 2022

Please use this template and submit to bertinoro-abstracts@gmx.de indicating your preference

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Jens Bosse (Germany)
Ileana Cristea (USA)
Nicole Fischer (Germany)
Finn Grey (UK)
Adam Grundhoff (Germany)
Matteo Iannacone (Italy)
Ujjwal Neogi (Sweden)
Birgit Sawitzki (Germany)
Mario Schelhaas (Germany)
Noam Stern-Ginossar (Israel)
Silke Stertz (Switzerland)
Jutte de Vries (The Netherlands)
Dana Wolf (Israel)

The facility is located 60 km east of Bologna in the monumental area of the Bishop’s Fortress. The surrounding area is the Appenines with hillsides covered by the local “Albana di Bertinoro” vineyards. Local transportation from and to Bologna airport will be provided. The meeting will start on Friday afternoon and end on Sunday noon.
Registration (including airport transportation, accommodation, and meals): 430 € (single room), 380 € (double room), 300 € for students (double room)

Please note that capacities are limited! For registration and further details see: https://www.ceub.it/events/event/9th-european-seminar-in-virology-eusev/?lang=en

We look forward to seeing you in Bertinoro,
Gabriella Campadelli-Fiume, Michael Kann, Thomas Mertens, Thomas Stamminger, Dana Wolf,

Organizers of the 9th EuSeV on behalf of the European Society for VIROLOGY