Annual workshop of the GfV study group “viral vectors for gene therapy and vaccination”

November 18, 2024 - November 20, 2024


Villa Tillmanns, Leipzig

The annual workshop of the study group “viral vectors for gene therapy and vaccination” of the Society of Virology (GfV) will be held in Leipzig, Germany, on November 18-20, 2024. The meeting aims to stimulate the exchange between young scientists and renowned experts covering the whole spectrum from basic research to clinical application and regulatory perspectives. In particular, viral vector approaches used for vaccination against cancer and infectious diseases, virotherapy and gene therapy will be discussed.

We are pleased to announce our preliminary programme with keynote talks from:

  • Ulrike Köhl, Fraunhofer IZI, University Hospital Leipzig
  • Daniel Pinschewer, University of Basel
  • Anja Ehrhardt, University Witten/Herdecke
  • Rob Hoeben, Leiden University
  • Christian Thirion, SIRION Biotech, Martinsried

Registration is open! Please visit for registration and any further information.

Deadline for abstract submission and registration: September 30, 2024
Registration fee: 155€ including workshop participation and catering
Social Evening at Ratskeller Leipzig: 45€ including food and drinks

We are looking forward to meeting you in Leipzig!

The workshop chairs
Christine Engeland & Dennis Lapuente