International DEEP DV Summer School High resolution virology: imaging omics data science

Juli 6, 2023 - Juli 8, 2023


Centre for Structural Systems Biology

Dear colleagues,

As speakers of the DFG Research Unit (Forschungsgruppe FOR5200) DEEP-DV “Disrupt – Evade – Exploit. Gene expression and host response programming in DNA virus infection” we would like to draw your attention to our upcoming International Symposium “High-resolution virology: imaging – omics – data science” in Hamburg from July 6-8.

The symposium will bring together international researchers from the fields of systems virology and imaging. Sessions on imaging and integrative virology, transcription and nuclear compartments, chromatin and gene expression, omics, and viral networks are planned. Each session will be launched by an invited speaker, followed by short presentations of selected abstracts by young investigators. In addition, we will host poster sessions and flash talks to allow young investigators to engage in lively exchanges. We anticipate around 120 participants.

The meeting will take place at the CSSB, Centre for Structural Systems Biology, at DESY (Deutsche Elektron Synchroton) in Hamburg Bahrenfeld. For more information, please visit our DEEP-DV website and the CSSB website or see the flyer attached. Registration is free!  

We would love to see you submitting an abstract and participating this meeting!

Best wishes, Melanie Brinkmann and Nicole Fischer